
Reviews (247)

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Aqueduck Faucet Extender
US$ 9.99
Reviews (247)
  • jody Carroll
    I have had more people comment on this in my home!! M granddaughter is able to wash her hands and face without my help...Thanks to this wonderful product!!
    7 Days Ago
  • cynthia
    This is just a must have for every house with a toddler! Simple and super functional
    7 Days Ago
  • ace21
    I LOVE this! Wish I had bought sooner. Guests without small children have told me they want one. Hasn't molded yet and cleans easy.
    7 Days Ago
  • Filip P.
    Great faucet extender for small kids. It fits on all three different faucets in our home, with the brass being the most curved, and works perfectly. Easy to attach and remove, plus it stays in place. It's also super easy to clean.
    7 Days Ago
  • GJ114524
    This is such a simple concept but so great and so useful! This made the water flowing out of the faucet come out further so my little one could reach it to wash her own hands. Great for an independent toddler!
    7 Days Ago