
Whats the difference between N95 mask and kn95 mask? Expert: the code is not the same

Feb 28, 2020

So whats the difference between N95 and kn95 on the epidemic prevention line? Lets listen to Zhu Renyi, director of the disinfection Department of the infectious diseases prevention and Control Institute of Shanghai CDC.

Zhu Renyi said that kn95 mask is a kind of mask with particle filtration efficiency in our country, and N95 mask is actually a test of it in the United States, so these two are because of different countries, and its possible use of this code is not the same! Kn95 mask and N95 mask are actually the same in terms of particle filtration efficiency, but what should be paid attention to? This is what we call the medical protective mask for medical staff, especially for the new crown pneumonia. Actually, it is one of the N95 masks. Not all N95 masks are medical protective masks. The medical protective mask we wear may contact the patient, the patient may sneeze, cough, some splashes, or I intubate the patient At the same time, there are some splashes, our general particle masks, which cant prevent this kind of splashing. Another one is our masks, because our medical staff wear masks, which may be worn for 4 hours a day. When breathing with masks, there will be water vapor in our mouth, and this mask will be moist. Therefore, in addition to the filtration efficiency of particulate matter, our medical protective mask must do synthetic blood penetration test and moisture resistance test.

So whether we can use a mask for the medical staff on our front line depends on whether these three experiments have been done.

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