
Reviews (234)

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Leaves Tea Infuser
US$ 8.99
Reviews (234)
  • Grandma Lee
    Great idea but tea particles escape through holes. Not enough experience to know if all tea infusers do the same thing. The long handle does make it easy to retrieve.
    7 Days Ago
  • Cindy Howard
    they float, not my favorite tea infuser.
    7 Days Ago
    These are fine and they do the job well enough. Since they are a light silicone, they float. They don't really sink into my cup which is a problem for me. I ended up giving it to my co-worker.
    7 Days Ago
    Service:Sorry for that,please waiting for the tea become wet, then it will not float,thank you!
  • MKF
    These are cute and easy to use, but the holes are very small. It takes too long to get my tea to brew strong enough.
    7 Days Ago
  • kevin
    a little too big, will displace water in cup
    7 Days Ago